The Modern Slavery Act 2015 – Group statement

“Henry Boot PLC and its Group Companies has, following the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) implemented a number of measures which seek to bring about greater transparency and scrutiny into our various supply chains, in order to combat slavery and trafficking activities. Further to this, over the past year we have been reviewing the measures put in place and seeking to identify additional actions to strengthen our due diligence and transparency. The aim of the Act is in line with our own ‘Henry Boot Way’ Vision and Values, as updated in 2017, which include ‘Respect’, ‘Integrity’ and ‘Collaboration’, all of which are relevant to our approach in this regard.

We continue to keep under regular review our Human Trafficking and Slavery Statement (the ‘Statement’), setting out the activities undertaken to reduce the risk of slavery and trafficking activities being present within our business operations. These measures include the introduction of an Anti-Slavery Policy, due diligence requirements, and mandatory contract clauses seeking compliance by our supply chain with appropriate anti-slavery measures. Additional measures that have recently been put into place to increase knowledge and vigilance throughout our organisation and supply chain include posters and awareness cards across our sites.

We will continue to regularly work with our partners, contractors, suppliers and other stakeholders, as well as keeping industry best practice under review, to monitor our approach for effectiveness, and consider any changes or additional measures as appropriate.”

Henry Boot PLC

Tim Roberts

Chief Executive Officer