Celebrating back to school with our latest work experience students

Investing in new talent and shaping the future of our sector is a top priority for HBD. We forge strong partnerships with educational institutions nationwide to offer young people valuable experience in the property industry and kickstart their careers.

We recently welcomed a cohort of work experience students as Lara Treanor, Shannon Wray, Ethan Thompson, Hanad Hassad, and Morgan Jordan all headed to HBD for an immersive week of learning.

Today they talk us through their experiences.

Meet Lara

Lara has always been fascinated by the built environment, particularly residential schemes and marketing. “Property is everywhere, meaning it’s a very interesting sector of work,” she shared.

During her week at HBD, Lara shadowed one of our marketing project managers and gained first hand insight into the advertising and promotion of properties. “Seeing how the company advertises its buildings and how important marketing is was eye opening,” she noted.

One highlight for Lara was visiting Kampus, where she was impressed by the unique design and inclusive atmosphere. “The vast greenery and the small businesses operating here gave me a glimpse of what future property could really look like,” she said. Her key takeaway from the week was the importance of sustainability, location, and presentation in attracting tenants and creating memorable impressions.

Meet Shannon

Shannon entered her placement with an open mind about her career options but left with a clearer perspective. “I’ve learned so much about the different paths within property. I really enjoyed sitting down with the marketing and social teams and talking through the projects they were working on,” she adds. “I particularly enjoyed learning about Momentum in London. It was interesting to learn about EV panels and HBD’s sustainable approach. It was also fun to hear about the events for agents and the preparation that goes into organising them.”

Shannon’s favourite scheme was our net zero carbon Island building in Manchester. Speaking of the building she said: “It is very unique and I like the design of it. You can see how much thought has been put into it”. Shannon’s main takeaway was understanding the various departments and functions within a business, highlighting the diversity of roles in property.

Meet Hanad

Hanad, with a keen interest in IT and technology, found the evolving nature of the property industry particularly engaging. “It was insightful to see how property intersects with various sectors,” he said.

He also valued his virtual meetings with HBD professionals, which allowed him to present findings and feel like a valuable part of the team. “Property is not only about redevelopment but encompasses many industries,” he learned. Hanad’s favourite experience was working on a bid for a prospective development, which made his work feel personal and significant: “I got to meet councillors and make notes,” he added. “I presented my findings which made me feel like I had a real role for the week.”

Overall, each student left with a deeper understanding of the property sector and a clearer view of potential career paths. Their feedback underscores the diverse and dynamic nature of the built environment, and we look forward to seeing how their experiences shape their futures.